2024 Tribal Leadership Election


Registration Deadline for 2024 Election: 3.1.2024-10.1.2024

Election Year: 2024 Election date 11.5.2024

Voting place: Online Voting (Technical help will be available at the Skagway Library)

Protests must be received by 11/10/24

Response and Investigation by 11/20/24

If no protest then certify by 11/11/24

Certification announced and approved by tribal council on 11/14/24

Swear in the new board by 12/12/2024 or earlier

Items on the Ballot for 2024 - Unapproved


Item 1: Two (2) Tribal Council Seats for a 3-year term (Jaime Bricker and Judean Gordon)

Item 2: One (1) Tribal Council seat for a 2-year term (Savannah Ames)

Item 3:  Allowing proxy voting virtual meetings

During the 2020 Coronavirus Pandemic, we needed to use many virtual platforms for meetings for everyone’s safety. We are placing the language to officially allow for virtual meeting and proxy voting by elected council members in attending virtually into the future even after the pandemic.

Item 3: Deleting misrepresenting information

Taking out the language that infers the need for Secretarial Election by BIA. We have confirmed with BIA that STC is not an IRA tribe. Secretarial election is only required with IRA tribes and not Traditional Tribes.

See page 8-9 here for old language

See page 12-13 for new language

Item 4: Reformatting and rewording for clarity of membership structure

Reformatting to organize different types of membership more clearly

Reivew old structure here-page 2 Article III Membership

Review drafted structure here-page 2 Article 3 Membership

Item 5: Agree to decrease the required amount of Indigenous blood quantum from 1/8th to 1/32nd

In the past few years, we were unable to allow the inclusion of Indigenous residents who are not baseline decedents and who did not have the required amount of blood quantum of 1/8th blood quantum. This has resulted in us not being able to receive funding that is based on the number of registered tribal citizens. Decreasing the blood quantum requirement will allow jurisdictional members with at least 1/32nd blood quantum who have lived for at least one year within our service area to join our membership.  

Review current language here on Page 2 Article III: Membership: Section four and five

Review drafted language here on Page 2 Article 3: Membership; Section 2-2