Due to funding source restrictions the following eligibility applies to various programs:
E1: Any Indigenous person of any federally recognized tribe living in the Skagway service area and have lived her for 6 months with documentation. Income eligibility Applies.
E2: Any Skagway Traditional Council tribal citizen formerly enrolled living anywhere in the US
E3: Any Skagway Resident
Financial Assistance and Social Services (FASS) consist of direct funding and activities related to financial assistance, including general assistance, burial assistance, and emergency assistance. Currently, assistance for households with children are offered through Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska unless denied through Central Council.
Our program provides financial and non-financial services to those who are American Indians and Alaska Natives (members of a federally recognized tribe) who have resided in the area for at least 6 months (must be documented) and meet income guidelines.
The services under this section are designed to be secondary in nature.
General Assistance: Provides financial assistance payments to eligible Indians for essential needs of food, clothing, shelter, and utilities. The goal of General Assistance is to increase self-sufficiency. This is accomplished through specific steps an individual will take to increase independence as outlined in his/her Individual Self-Sufficiency Plan (ISP). To be eligible for General Assistance, all applicants must apply concurrently for financial assistance from other state, county, local or other Federal agency programs for which they might be eligible.
Burial Assistance: This program provides funds to assist with the burial expenses of deceased indigent Indians whose estates do not have sufficient resources to meet funeral expenses.
Emergency Assistance: This assistance is provided directly to individuals whose homes suffered from personal property damage or their homes were destroyed by fire, flood, or other calamities. It is used for the essential needs of food, shelter, and utilities when other resources are not available.
STC/BIA application for services
ERUAP program is funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs American Rescue Plan Act Housing Improvement plan and is approved by the tribal council (Resolution 2021-14). This program is to help any formally approved STC tribal member who are facing homelessness, immediate eviction, foreclosure, or utility shut off, as well as those who have experienced an increase in burden of Mortgage or Rent due to unforeseen medical diagnosis. The program will end when allocated funds are depleted unless subsequent funding is received.
Eligibility Category (3 Possible Criteria)
Category 1 (Low-Income). Any formally approved STC tribal member in the US who is low income and who can show that they are in immediate threat of eviction, foreclosure, or shut off.
Program will pay for any past due rent or utility with a documentation of eviction or shut off. Members will be eligible up to $5000 for past due (up to 3 months past due). Future rent payments may be eligible if a member has a child under the age of 18, is disabled and/or unable to work, or if the next rent is due in 5 business days. Max benefit for the initial 3 months is $5000.
*Maximum recertification is 3 times with a total assistance of up to $10,000 per household as budget allows.
*On subsequent recertification, applicants may be subjected to asset research, credit check, and be requested to take financial classes, and create a clear timeline to stability.
Category 2 (Homelessness). Any formally approved STC tribal member in the US who is currently experiencing homelessness or who is in eminent threat of becoming homeless in the next 5 days.
The program will pay for temporary housing, down payments, and rent costs to secure permanent housing, or assist the members in advocating with their state resources to secure shelters or homes. The program will additionally help refer to care that has been determined as a cause for the current living condition. ISPs as well as referrals will be made. During the assistance period, it is expected that the client be placed in appropriate programs such as Job searches, job training, financial cents classes, enrollment into state resources if not already done, counseling, etc. and must provide proof monthly for continuation of assistance.
*Homeless members with children will be allowed an additional $10,000 in total benefit to aid with childcare and groceries. Child wellness checks and periodic interviews will be required to be sure the child is in safe and sanitary condition.
*On subsequent recertification, applicants may be subjected to asset research, credit check, and be requested to take financial classes, and create a clear timeline to stability.
Category 3 (Result of Medical Diagnosis). Any formally approved STC tribal member in the US who can show a significant increase in housing cost burden due to an unforeseen medical diagnosis in the household or any formally approved STC tribal member in the US who has experience reduced income directly due to the diagnosed medical condition.
The program will pay for housing cost burden that is more than previous burden as a result directly related to the medical diagnosis.
*Pay for mortgage or rent that is in excess to what was paid before for those with medically related mortgage or rent burden increase due to loss of income resulting from the medical diagnosis.
*Maximum assistance of up to $10,000 per household as budget allows.
The application is not a guarantee of assistance, and the program may end at any time when budgeted funds are depleted.
updated 9.29.2023
(Category 1: Low income) STC ERUAP LOW INCOME APP
(Category 2: Medical ) STC ERUAP MEDICAL APP
(Various) Assistance Seniors and others
The button below is a link to various assistance programs we find either specific to seniors and or other low income residents. It is updated periodically but we request to check information and updated directly with the entity running the program.
Other Assistance & Resources
Please check program directly if there is income eligibility
Eligibility acronym excludes income eligibility: (STCA= Any STC member, STC1=STC Tribal Members, ANAI=Any Tribal Member in Skagway service area, ALL=Anyone in Skagway)
(ALL) Skagway Food Bank
For those in need of food assistance, please call one of the listed contacts to apply for food assistance checks.
Ryan Mandeville 973-2042
Ginny Cochran 612-0313
Paul Taylor 347-2683, Karla Ray 612- 0901, Tim Steidel 983-3163, Ray Leggett 612-0332